Envision Franklin

Design Concepts | ENVISION FRANKLIN 101 MOBILITY Transit Transit should be enhanced in this area to serve and support existing and future businesses, residents, and visitors. Sheltered transit stations should be provided along existing or planned routes. Employer-transportation programs are encouraged in order to reduce the percentage of trips made by single-occupant vehicles and to encourage transportation by alternate modes. Large developments should consider using shuttle systems service to provide for efficient vehicular transportation patterns. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Big Box Retail Big-box retail, where a single retail business encompasses more than 50,000 square feet in a single story, is limited to the west side of I-65 between Moores Lane and Oak Meadow Drive and east of I-65 south of Goose Creek Bypass. Carothers Parkway between Liberty Pike and Murfreesboro Road Medical uses and supporting businesses are encouraged to remain and expand in this area. East of I-65 and south of the Reams Fleming Tract of Berry Farms New development south of the Reams-Fleming Tract will heavily depend upon the completion of Reams Fleming Boulevard, the Pratt Lane and Peytonsville Road intersection improvement, as well as the timing of the proposed I-65 flyover and east-west connector road. Limited development potential exists until such improvements are completed. East of Peytonsville Road and south of the Goose Creek Bypass Extension The intersection of Goose Creek Bypass and Peytonsville Road will be a highly traveled area. Future transportation modeling show concerning delays and failures at the Goose Creek Bypass and I-65 interchange based upon the buildout of approved developments. Any additional large-scale nonresidential uses could have significant negative impacts on the projected delays near the I-65 interchange. Uses with non-peak trip generation patterns are encouraged as well as the following uses that may have a reduced demand on the transportation network: small-scale offices; local commercial uses; institutional uses; and other residential uses not listed in the Uses Section if the proper integration can be achieved. REGIONAL COMMERCE