Envision Franklin

102 ENVISION FRANKLIN | Design Concepts SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Mallory Lane and McEwen Drive Intersection Building heights may be up to eight stories on sites around the intersection if the massing and scale is graduated and 20foot building stepbacks are utilized by the top of the fourth story. The vacant parcel located between Centennial High School and McEwen Drive should also not exceed eight stories in height. The parcel on the northwest corner should be limited to a maximum of four stories, given the existing topography on the site. The intent is to balance the building heights around the intersection and to maximize the viewshed and the urban design aesthetic at this gateway location. Murfreesboro Road between Mack Hatcher Parkway and Quail Hollow Circle/ Rosa Helm Way The Murfreesboro Road corridor includes an I-65 interchange and is an important gateway into the City. Redevelopment is anticipated and encouraged to create economically productive development while establishing a more people-friendly environment. This corridor should be further studied for future redevelopment, with an emphasis on cohesive design and access management. South of Long Lane and East of the Williamson County Agriculture Center Future development should be low-scale nonresidential uses with minimal to moderate traffic demands that are compatible with adjacent approved projects. Institutional uses are encouraged. REGIONAL COMMERCE