Envision Franklin

106 ENVISION FRANKLIN | Design Concepts SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Boyd Mill Avenue, Magnolia Hall Historic Estate The historic home and the existing viewsheds of the property should be preserved per the previously approved development plan. New Hwy 96 West, Centennial Hall Historic Estate The historic Centennial Hall and its prominent front yard should be preserved. Limited clustered infill may be appropriate if designed to minimize obstruction of its viewshed. Columbia Pike, South of Mack Hatcher Parkway This scenic corridor should have deep setbacks of at least 250 feet for new development. Informal landscape design and rural features, such as stone walls, wood plank fencing, and informal tree plantings, should be utilized to sustain the scenic and rural quality of the area. Franklin Road, Jasmine Grove Historic Estate in Myles Manor The Jasmine Grove historic estate and its setting should be preserved. Limited clustered single-family infill, not exceeding four new dwellings, may be appropriate on the south side of Jasmine Grove, adjacent to Lancaster Drive. Infill development should reflect the form and character within Myles Manor Subdivision. 151 Franklin Road, Riverview Historic Estate The rural viewshed along Franklin Road should be preserved, with infill to be located behind the Riverview historic house and its accessory structures per the previously approved Splendor Ridge Subdivision. RURAL RESERVE