Vision & Guiding Principles | ENVISION FRANKLIN 13 VISION Franklin will be a connected community of vibrant neighborhoods anchored by its historic downtown. The City seeks to strategically manage growth while preserving historic resources and natural beauty. Exceptionally designed places will enhance Franklin’s distinctive character and foster continued economic vitality. MAJOR GOALS • Create exceptional places for people through design of new development, building form, uses, setbacks, activated streets, and pedestrian focus. • Direct higher intensity and taller buildings toward I-65 where infrastructure can support a thriving regional economy comprised of commercial, hotel, institutional, residential, and office uses. • Preserve the established character of historic areas and ensure that infill development is compatible with the surrounding character. • Strategically locate neighborhood commercial and mixed use nodes to serve surrounding residential neighborhoods and help reduce traffic and trip length. • Provide a variety of housing options for citizens in every stage of life. • Emphasize active transportation for both destinations and recreation by connecting land uses through multi-use paths, sidewalks, and trails. • Protect Franklin’s natural beauty by preserving scenic corridors and viewsheds.