Envision Franklin

134 ENVISION FRANKLIN | Process and Outreach COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 2022-2023 GOOSE CREEK COORDINATED STUDY Since 2019, the City has annexed approximately 850 acres by referendum outside of the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). These parcels are all located south of Long Lane and east of I-65 within the Goose Creek Basin. Due to the proximity of I-65, the ongoing buildout of Berry Farms, and the ability to extend gravity sewer infrastructure, the area was identified as a short-term annexation capability. Yet, development challenges remain such as the need to improve the roadway infrastructure, upgrade water lines, increase water capacity, and grow in an orderly manner. In 2021, the City issued a Request for Qualifications and hired a team of consultants comprised of Rundell Ernstberger Associates, CDM Smith, and Tischler Bise to complete the Goose Creek Coordinated Study of Land Use, Infrastructure, and the Roadway Network. The study area included the remainder of the Goose Creek Basin which was included in the updated UGB proposal. The study was multifaceted and underpinned by significant community outreach. It included a market analysis, a fiscal efficiency of land use analysis, and an infrastructure financing strategy. A Vistro transportation model was built to understand future traffic patterns and limitations based upon future land uses. The initial analysis of the full buildout of currently entitled projects in the study area showed significant queuing at major intersections causing a failed level of service at signals around the Goose Creek Bypass and I-65 interchange. A slope analysis was conducted using two-foot contours to evaluate topographic conditions and help inform the location of the Conservation Design Concept. Two land use scenarios were created and future traffic impacts were modeled. The “Partial Interstate Scenario” modeled the full buildout of the street network with a partial interchange located south of Ramsey Solutions on Pratt Lane. While it could allow for some peak hour relief at the Goose Creek Bypass and I-65 interchange and allow for some additional density, much work remains at the state and federal levels to advance this concept. The “Flyover Scenario” modeled a southern flyover connecting the Carothers Parkway extension over I-65 to Lewisburg Pike. No interstate access would be provided. The model showed concerning peak hour delays, even with improvements to the street network, around the Goose Creek Bypass and I-65 interchange. Both of these scenarios were projected to have a significant funding gap between the costs necessary to construct the needed street network and the anticipated impact fees and tax revenues generated by the new development. A scaled back third scenario was evaluated that took into account the buildout of parcels closest to the Reams-Fleming Tract of Berry Farms and extending south along the Carothers Parkway Extension to Peytonsville Road. The model showed excluded the southern flyover or the partial interchange which yielded concerning peak hour delays along Goose Creek Bypass between Long Lane and Lewisburg Pike. During the Envision Franklin Update, a fourth land use scenario was presented at the June 22, 2023 Joint Conceptual Workshop which became the basis for the land use policies established for the recently annexed parcels without a design concept designation. Several Special Considerations were proposed and have been integrated. Future development will likely occur first closest to Long Lane and along Peytonsville Road, extending eastward. Development should be limited for the far-reaching parcels of the basin until needed infrastructure improvements can serve these parcels. It is anticipated that this area will continue to be an active development area for many decades to come, therefore, revisiting land use and transportation policies will be critical as new development occurs. A complete and more detailed project history can be found in the Goose Creek Coordinated Study Technical Memorandum.