Envision Franklin

Process and Outreach | ENVISION FRANKLIN 135 KEY PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS Through the various community engagement opportunities, citizens noted many of the positive attributes of Franklin but also voiced several concerns regarding the current conditions of growth and development. A compilation of the key planning issues identified by the various stakeholders, the public, and the City staff are listed below. Most of these considerations were identified during outreach conducted in 2014-2016 and then reaffirmed during the survey conducted in 2023. ■ Protection of Franklin’s distinctive identity and character, with central attributes identified as family-friendly, historically distinctive, economically thriving, and education-focused ■ Preservation of historic structures, neighborhoods, and established character ■ Management of growth and the need to proactively plan for and direct it, rather than reacting to it ■ Improvement or extension of infrastructure to direct growth to appropriate areas instead of extending services in multiple directions based on development applications ■ Congested major thoroughfares due to over-reliance on arterials from lack of neighborhood connectivity ■ Demand for more sidewalks and bicycle facilities ■ Evolving transportation needs and desires, including frequent and convenient regional and local transit and on-demand travel options ■ High land costs driving pressure for higher density and intensity in new developments ■ Desire for mixed-use, infill, and walkable development, districts, and neighborhoods ■ Diversity in housing stock to provide options for a variety of ages, incomes, family sizes, and preferences ■ As part of the Housing Strategy, drawing attention to the “Missing Middle” housing options and expanding those use types throughout the design concepts ■ Housing affordability and more for-sale options ■ Desire to protect and maintain existing industrial areas ■ Conservation of natural resources, open space, hills, and scenic vistas ■ Consider the Harpeth River as a public amenity and increase pedestrian access by expanding the riverwalk, trails, and canoe access points.