136 ENVISION FRANKLIN | Process and Outreach MAJOR CHANGES TO ENVISION FRANKLIN The comprehensive update includes minor and major changes. The planning area includes territory within the UGB. One of the major updates involved the creation of several new conservation-based design concepts. Significant acreage was previously designated as Conservation Subdivision and guidance was provided that some of these areas needed to be further refined and differentiated. Throughout the public process, citizens made clear the desire for land to remain as open space and for open space preservation to be an important principle as future growth occurs. Housing options and housing affordability have also been key issues raised. The former Conservation Subdivision Design Concept was transformed into three new design concepts to better reflect the desired future land use for these areas. The new design concepts seek to accomplish open space preservation while also allowing for a mix of housing types. The Rural Reserve Design Concept contemplates large single-family lots with 50% preserved open space. The Neighborhood Green Design Concept provides a mix of housing types with a 60% set aside of open space. The Village Green Design Concept was tailored to maximize open space while allowing for a variety of housing types. The Factory District is also a new design concept that includes the Factory at Franklin as well as the properties along Liberty Pike, Harpeth Industrial Court, Morningside Drive, and the property due north. The Factory at Franklin is undergoing a major renovation and a new vision has been cast for this district to provide supporting commercial and light industrial uses as well as new residences to make this a one-of-a kind destination that adds distinction to our community. A Housing Analysis was conducted as part of the update and many recommendations have been incorporated into the plan. A new Guiding Principle that addresses housing has been created to help underscore the importance. Clarity has been provided in the Uses section of each design concept to articulate the recommended future land uses. New residential uses were established including Farmstead Residential and Small-Scale Multifamily to help provide additional housing options at a residential scale. Duplexes are now supported in more design concepts to help meet the community’s housing needs. In the Regional Commerce Design Concept, Live-Work Units and Townhouses are now supported in a limited capacity and guidance regarding Multifamily Residential has been provided. Population projections, economic and demographic data, and the Introduction have all been updated. The Development Suitability Analysis (Appendix B) has been updated and an Annexation Analysis (Appendix C) has also been added to the appendix to help provide guidance on the timing and location of future growth in outlying areas. The Infill Character Map (Appendix D) has been updated to identify Established Areas and Transitional Areas which will help guide development in Central Franklin. The Height Map (Appendix E) was adjusted along Cool Springs Boulevard, Carothers Parkway, General George Patton Drive, McEwen Drive, Billingsly Court, and Long Lane to ensure new development is lower-scale and contextual. Many new photographs have been added to show good examples of site design and architecture.