Envision Franklin

14 ENVISION FRANKLIN | Vision & Guiding Principles OVERVIEW OF GUIDING PRINCIPLES The guiding principles are long-term statements of direction for the City to advance the quality of development. The principles further define the vision and reflect the desired planning practices and respectful use of land and resources. The guiding principles are organized around nine themes: 1. Managed Growth - The City seeks responsible and purposeful growth that enhances quality of life, provides a dynamic mix of land uses, and preserves its scenic beauty. 2. Economic Vitality - Franklin aims to retain and support the growth of existing businesses, to attract new businesses, and to stimulate a climate for entrepreneurial ventures and investment. 3. Vibrant Neighborhoods - The City strives to create inviting neighborhoods with memorable character through a balanced mix of compatible uses for all people in every stage of life. 4. Housing Choices - There are many challenges that must be addressed to achieve the principles outlined in this Guiding Principle and it will take the coordination of many dedicated stakeholders working together. A variety of housing choices for residents in every stage of life should be provided. 5. Historic Preservation - Historic Franklin is the cherished center of the city and will continue to be protected using historic preservation tools and enhanced through traditional development and contextual architecture. 6. Natural Beauty - Franklin’s natural features are irreplaceable assets of great value, and they will be protected with planning and conservation tools and celebrated through careful site design. 7. Exceptional Design - Exceptional site design should be centered on solid design principles, the creative articulation of space, and close attention to detail. 8. Connected Community - Franklin values a well-designed, effective, convenient, and active transportation network that connects residential neighborhoods, parks, schools, employment centers, shopping area, and downtown. This will be achieved through a complete system of streets, bicycle and pedestrian routes, and transit, not only within the city, but also to the greater metropolitan region. 9. Context-Responsive Infill - Infill development should complement its surroundings, be sustainable and respectful of the environment, and enhance the quality of life and the economic health of the community.