Envision Franklin

Appendix | ENVISION FRANKLIN 167 Infill development includes any development or redevelopment of existing structures, parcels, blocks, or neighborhoods within Central Franklin. Central Franklin includes the oldest incorporated parts of the city dating from 1799, and the area extends northward and eastward to Mack Hatcher Parkway to capture the rural and scenic corridors that serve as gateways to downtown Franklin. The Infill Character Map shows areas that are considered established and those that are transitional. Established Areas are places where the existing character is desired to be preserved. These areas include historic neighborhoods, established neighborhoods, and certain streets within Central Franklin. In these areas, the current established pattern of development is expected to remain. If there is sufficient land to accommodate infill in this area, the development should be compatible with the existing predominant pattern of development, including building height, massing, scale, and lot sizes. The design concept special considerations further address appropriate development form and use potential. Transitional areas are places where change in neighborhood form is expected or enhancement of community character is desired. These areas may include neighborhoods, centers, and corridors with mixed uses in locations where growth and change are expected to be concentrated. Design concepts define the future character, rather than the existing character, with corresponding design guidelines. See Figure D.1 Infill Character Map- Established and Transitional Areas. APPENDIX D: INFILL CHARACTER MAPPING