Envision Franklin

18 ENVISION FRANKLIN | Vision & Guiding Principles A. Providing a variety of housing choices at a range of price points for residents in every stage of life contributes to the overall vitality of the community. While both for sale and rental options are important parts of a balanced housing market, home ownership opportunities for all dwelling types are encouraged. B. A significant amount of Franklin’s existing and projected future housing inventory is made up of single-family homes and large multifamily developments. The City encourages “Missing Middle Housing” (because they have been “missing” after not been commonly built for many decades) which refers to duplexes, townhouses, and cottage courts, as well as multiplexes, and smallscale multifamily buildings with twelve or fewer units. Broadening the availability of these housing types offer a valuable opportunity to help meet the housing demand at a scale that integrates seamlessly into the community fabric. C. Accessory dwellings are encouraged to help increase local housing options. Often known as backyard cottages or granny flats, these are smaller, independent residential dwelling units located on the same lot as a single-family home. Accessory dwellings can provide living space for a family member, guests, or as a source of extra rental income. D. Senior-friendly housing—particularly homes that are close to parks, open spaces, local commercial uses, and healthcare providers—is encouraged to accommodate the growing number of residents 55 and over. These residents are often seeking housing with single-story living and minimal maintenance. Franklin seeks to be an age-friendly community for residents to age-in-place and find suitable housing as their needs and preferences change. E. Franklin serves as a regional employment hub, which supports a robust economy; however, the majority of the community’s workforce lives outside of the City and contributes to heavy commuter traffic. Offering a greater variety of housing options and price points supports more of Franklin’s workforce to also live in the City, reducing traffic congestion as well as increasing opportunities for employee retention. F. Coordination and partnerships with organizations such as the Franklin Housing Authority, Community Housing Partnership, and the Hard Bargain Association are encouraged to help create and preserve dedicated affordable housing units. HOUSING CHOICES TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE OVERALL VITALITY OF THE COMMUNITY, THE CITY SEEKS TO ENCOURAGE A VARIETY OF HOUSING CHOICES FOR RESIDENTS IN EVERY STAGE OF LIFE.