Envision Franklin

32 ENVISION FRANKLIN | Design Concepts USES Use Public parks, public schools, and facilities that are publicly-owned. Golf courses across the City are also included. While this design concept is generally for publicly-owned land, there may be an unmet need for new, large-scale private recreation uses that go beyond what the City and County provide. Examples could include a large-scale equestrian center, a new golf course, an ice hockey arena, or a sports complex. These types of potential developments should submit a plan amendment request to Civic and Recreation with a special consideration and be evaluated using the established plan amendment criteria, if they are not supported by their current design concept. FORM Building Placement Varied, based on location Building Character Varied, based on location Building Height Varied, but typically should not exceed two stories. SITE DESIGN Landscape Existing natural features should be preserved. Amenities Significant open space and active and passive recreational opportunities should be provided. The Harpeth River is intended to have a public edge that is physically and visually accessible to the public through a greenway network that extends north to south along the river. The purpose is to provide environmental educational opportunities, points for passive recreation, small informal gatherings and scenic vistas. Parking Generally off-street, but on-street parking may be provided along internal or low-volume streets. Parking and services should be accessed through internal and secondary streets. MOBILITY Vehicular New streets should be designed per Connect Franklin. Streets should be designed for slower speeds to allow for a mix of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Primary access should be from the street. Bicycle and Pedestrian A coordinated pedestrian system should be provided throughout the area. Connections between uses on the site and between the site and adjacent properties and rights-of-way should be provided. Bicycle, multi-use path, and pedestrian connections should be designed and provided per Connect Franklin, the Parks Master Plan, and this Plan. Transit Transit stops and/or stations should be provided along existing or planned routes. CIVIC AND RECREATION