Envision Franklin

Design Concepts | ENVISION FRANKLIN 39 USES Uses The Conservation design concept contemplates as little encroachment as possible in order to protect sensitive land and environmental features. Uses should conform to the corresponding Overlay Zoning Districts requirements of the Franklin Zoning Ordinance. SITE DESIGN Landscape Preservation of existing features, including hilltops, hillsides, steep slopes, riparian buffer, water resources, tree rows, forested areas, and specimen trees. Amenities Canoe launches, trails, and park amenities are encouraged. The Harpeth River is intended to have a public edge that is physically and visually accessible to the public through a greenway network that extends north to south along the river. The purpose is to provide environmental educational opportunities, points for passive recreation, small informal gatherings and scenic vistas. Selective clearing may be allowed to provide for these amenities. Parking Parking should conform to the corresponding Overlay Zoning Districts requirements. MOBILITY Vehicular New streets should be limited to essential connections and should be designed per Connect Franklin. Access drives should minimize the impact on existing environmental features. Bicycle and Pedestrian A coordinated pedestrian system should be provided that will connect the entire conservation design concept throughout the city. New development should provide pedestrian connections and trails throughout its conservation areas. These trails should provide connections to other conservation areas and trails, adjacent uses/properties, and streets. Bicycle, multi-use path, and pedestrian connections should be designed and provided per Connect Franklin, the Parks Master Plan, and this Plan. CONSERVATION