Design Concepts | ENVISION FRANKLIN 45 FACTORY DISTRICT Parking Subterranean parking and structured parking is encouraged. Parking for all new development should be located to the rear of new buildings and screened from view. With redevelopment, existing parking areas should be screened with landscaping or low walls to minimize the visual impact. Shared parking is encouraged. Structured parking should be located internal to the site and activated ground level uses are encouraged. MOBILITY Streetscape Streets should be designed per Connect Franklin. Streets and internal drives should be pedestrian friendly, tree-lined, and provide pedestrian connections throughout. Street furnishings are encouraged. Bicycle and Pedestrian Pedestrian and non-vehicular mobility options should be highly emphasized to allow for safe and enjoyable walking and biking between residential, commercial, and light industrial areas and to downtown Franklin. Additional internal pedestrian connectivity is needed to better integrate the site with the existing network. Connections between uses on the site and between the site and adjacent properties and rights-of-way should be provided. Improved sidewalk connections are desired in order to provide pedestrian linkages from the neighboring properties of the Factory and throughout the Factory District. Sidewalks along Liberty Pike should be separated from the street with landscape planting strips and street trees. The layout of new sidewalks and walkways should take placement of specimen trees into consideration. Crosswalks at street intersections should be provided where feasible, as well as at least one mid-block crosswalk across Liberty Pike. Crosswalks should have unique design considerations to enhance the District’s character and promote pedestrian safety. Bicycle parking facilities should be provided. Bicycle, multi-use path, and pedestrian connections should be designed and provided per Connect Franklin and the Parks Master Plan. Transit A trolley service with transit stops and/or stations between downtown and the Factory is encouraged. SPECIAL CONSIDERATION Property north and east of Morningside Drive To preserve the rural character along the Franklin Road corridor, future development should be situated behind the hill to obscure visibility and maintain a rural viewshed. This should be defined as 500 feet from Franklin Road right-of-way. In order to maintain the low-scale character of the Franklin Road corridor, building heights should gradually increase, with structures located between 500 feet and 700 feet from Franklin Road being limited to a maximum height of two stories then transitioning to a maximum height of three stories. Additional landscape buffering should also be implemented as necessary to maintain the rural viewshed along Franklin Road. In addition to residential uses, development behind the hill could include mixed-use buildings featuring neighborhood commercial spaces on the ground floor and residential units above to support and activate businesses. The conservation area should be preserved. Information about the site’s history should be included as part of the amenities provided in the conservation area. The developable area of the site should largely correspond to the Infill Character Map (in Appendix D of Envision Franklin and as shown on Page 6 of the Applicant’s submittal package).