60 ENVISION FRANKLIN | Design Concepts SITE DESIGN Landscape New landscaping will be minimal, with the exception of planters. Urban open space should continue to consist of existing and future publicly accessible parks and open spaces, such as Bicentennial Park and the Harpeth River. Amenities Plazas, courtyards, outdoor dining areas, and informal gathering areas with water features, pedestrian furnishings, etc. are encouraged. The Harpeth River is a natural amenity that borders the north side of the 16-block core. Development on this side should be designed with the River as an amenity. Public art, such as sculptures, decorative benches, and/or other art elements strategically placed in prominent locations for public viewing are encouraged. The Franklin Public Arts Commission and the Historic Zoning Commission, as applicable, provide guidance to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen on public art. Parking On-street parking is encouraged. Off street and structured parking should be located to the rear of buildings. Structured parking along the streets may be considered if it maintains active ground-floor uses along the entire street frontage. Landscape and/or architectural features should be used to diminish the appearance of parking from public view. Adequate parking for infill development should be provided so as to support the vibrant downtown while minimizing impacts to established neighborhoods. Shared parking is encouraged. MOBILITY Vehicular The existing interconnected street network will remain and should be enhanced. Common or shared vehicular-access points are encouraged to limit curb cuts along the street. Bicycle and Pedestrian The pedestrian system should continue to be enhanced. Connections between uses on and between the site and adjacent properties and streets should be provided. Wider sidewalks that promote outdoor seating and comfortable pedestrian movement are encouraged for infill development. Additional pedestrian interconnectivity is needed to provide a greenway trail along the Harpeth River. Improved crosswalks and sidewalk connections should provide pedestrian linkages from Main Street to Bicentennial Park. Bicycle, multi-use path, and pedestrian connections should be designed and provided per Connect Franklin and the Parks Master Plan. Transit Transit stops and/or stations should be provided along existing or planned routes. MAIN STREET