70 ENVISION FRANKLIN | Design Concepts FORM Building Character (continued) Inside Mack Hatcher Parkway, the small-town identity of the area should be preserved through special attention to massing and scale of new development. New buildings should be designed to be compatible with the predominant character along the street and should be sensitive to nearby buildings. Building Height Maximum of three stories inside Mack Hatcher Parkway and a maximum of four stories outside of Mack Hatcher Parkway. Building height on the periphery of the development should appear to be within one-half story of the predominant building height of adjacent buildings in order to ensure a compatible transition. Lot Size Where single-family residential or duplex lots are located on the periphery of a development, lot sizes should be designed to be appropriately sized for each street and to promote contextual compatibility. SITE DESIGN Landscape New development should have landscaping and street trees. Landscaping should be provided at neighborhood entrances and in common open spaces. Amenities Common amenities include clubhouses, fitness centers, multi-use paths, playgrounds, and pools. Emphasis should be placed on quality open space as part of new development. Multifamily developments should be designed around open spaces, which, in turn, should connect to adjacent open spaces or regional systems. Open space should not be designated as an afterthought based simply on land that is left over. Parking Off- and on-street. Off-street parking should be provided to the rear of buildings. Structured parking is encouraged. MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL