Envision Franklin

Vision & Guiding Principles | ENVISION FRANKLIN 21 SITE DESIGN I. Development and redevelopment should be master planned, meaning the site should be planned for the long-range development of larger areas surrounding the individual site as a coordinated unit. Compatibility with surrounding areas, design, infrastructure and service delivery, access and circulation for vehicles and pedestrians, buildable areas and buildings, and transitions between incompatible uses should all be considered in the design process. J. Site design should be centered on solid design principles, the creative articulation of space, and close attention to detail. Coordinated connectivity, building design and orientation, architecture, parking placement, and landscaping should all contribute to the creation of exceptional places. EXCEPTIONAL DESIGN K. Integrating and mixing land uses with pedestrian-scale building forms and community gathering spaces are encouraged. Wide, tree-lined sidewalks and well-designed street network should provide the foundation for connectivity between these uses. L. Context-sensitive design and architecture are important elements that vary throughout the city. Size, scale, setbacks, materials, the rhythm of the street, and context should be considered as part of the design process. M. Project design should carefully address the potential undesirable impacts on existing uses, including traffic, parking, circulation, safety issues, light and glare, noise, and other environmental concerns.