Envision Franklin

Design Concepts | ENVISION FRANKLIN 55 USES Primary Hotel, Institutional, Live-Work Units, Local Commercial, Multifamily Residential, and Professional and Transitional Office Existing institutional uses are encouraged to remain, and future institutional uses are encouraged. Significant civic institutions, such as City Hall, should be located in the area. Secondary Assisted Living, Big Houses, Duplexes, Recreation, Single-Family Residential, and Townhouses FORM Building Placement Buildings have a strong relationship to the street frontage. The predominant setback along Main Street should be maintained. The front setback for infill buildings should be within a range determined by the existing historic structures on the same block face. New buildings should not be closer to the street than any historic structure nor further from the street than any historic structure. As long as it is within this range, the new building will not be out of character with the rest of the block. If the same block face does not have any historic structures, then historic structures on the opposite block face should set the setback range. Building Character The area has a historic commercial storefront character with office or residential on the upper floors of multi-story buildings. Commercial, institutional, and residential structures, at a scale of two to three stories, are appropriate in order to maintain the pedestrian scale of the area. Buildings fronting a street should have active uses on the ground floor for the length of the frontage they occupy. Examples of active uses are microbreweries, coffee shops, cultural facilities, entrance lobbies, institutions, restaurants, and retail shops. Historic buildings should be protected and enhanced. Compatible infill development is encouraged when it is designed with contextual sensitivity, particularly with respect to existing residential uses and structures. A mix of land uses in larger buildings is encouraged. Building Height New buildings should be pedestrian-scale and contextually compatible. The height should meet the Historic District Design Guidelines, where applicable. No building or portion of a building should exceed three stories at the street. In instances where a fourth story is appropriate internal to the block, building step-backs and transitional features should be used to minimize massing and scale. MAIN STREET