Envision Franklin

Design Concepts | ENVISION FRANKLIN 57 TRANSPORTATION Vehicular Additional street interconnectivity is needed so as to provide a linkage extending First Avenue North to connect with North Margin Street. New streets should be designed per the Corridor Character Matrix and Connect Franklin. Bicycle and Pedestrian Additional pedestrian interconnectivity is needed to provide a trail along the Harpeth River. Improved crosswalks and sidewalk connections are desired so as to provide pedestrian linkages from Main Street to Bicentennial Park. The pedestrian system should continue to be enhanced. Wider sidewalks that allow for outdoor seating and comfortable pedestrian movement are encouraged for infill development. Connections between uses on and between the site and adjacent properties and rights-of-way should be provided. Bicycle, multi-use path, and pedestrian connections should be designed and provided per the Corridor Character Matrix, Connect Franklin, Parks Master Plan, and this Plan. Transit Transit stops and/or stations should be provided along existing or planned routes. SPECIALCONSID. First Avenue South and East Main Street See Special Consideration in Neighborhood Mixed-Use and Figure 4.4 Public Parking Supporting and enhancing the established business district along Main Street is a priority. Continuity of active storefront businesses is necessary in order to keep downtown vibrant. Extending commercial and mixed uses down side streets with well-connected pedestrian loops and strategically placed parking structures is encouraged. Two supported locations for structured parking are on the east side of Fifth Avenue North and along the west side of Fourth Avenue South/Church Street. MAIN STREET