62 ENVISION FRANKLIN | Design Concepts TRANSPORTATION Vehicular Vehicular connections should be provided through adjacent developments and connect to the existing street network. New development should provide an interconnected street and sidewalk network in a grid or modified grid pattern, where appropriate. New streets should be designed per the Corridor Character Matrix and Connect Franklin. Bicycle and Pedestrian New development should provide sidewalks, multi-use paths, and trails throughout its open spaces. They should connect to other conservation areas, paths, adjacent uses, and streets. These bicycle, pedestrian, and multi-use path connections should be designed and provided per the Corridor Character Matrix, Connect Franklin, Parks Master Plan, and this Plan. Transit Transit stops and/or stations should be provided along existing or planned routes. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Franklin Housing Authority Franklin Housing Authority properties may include a limited number of multifamily residential in accordance with their master plans. Hill Property The City-Owned Property at 403 and 405 5th Avenue North shall provide a secondary access outside of the floodplain for public safety purposes. Murfreesboro Road, Inside of Mack Hatcher Parkway The historic dwelling at the southwest corner of the intersection should be preserved and restored. The front yard should remain open space, continuing the deep setback along Murfreesboro Road. Infill development should be located behind the dwelling and its associated accessory structures. New Highway 96 West This scenic corridor should have deep setbacks of at least 300 feet for new development. Informal landscape design and rural features, such as stone walls, wood plank fencing, and informal tree plantings, should be utilized to sustain the scenic and rural quality of the area. Commercial and office uses should not front along New Highway 96 West. Seward Hall This historic home and its setting should be preserved. Infill should be single-family residential, which should be sensitively sited to preserve the viewshed. Columbia Pike and Mack Hatcher Parkway, Southeast Quadrant New development should be designed to preserve the viewshed of Winstead Hill and should be set back 250’ along Columbia Pike. Assisted Living facilities may be appropriate at this location with the appearance of a Farmstead Compound. Building height should not exceed two stories to protect the viewshed of the historic Winstead Hill. Institutional Uses Institutional uses may be appropriate if their locations do not negatively impact access, scale, and traffic of the surrounding area. These uses should be located at major intersections of arterial and collector streets or designed within master-planned developments so that increased traffic is handled internally. An additional story may be appropriate for institutional uses. The conversion of dwellings in existing residential areas for institutional uses is not appropriate. MIXED RESIDENTIAL