Envision Franklin

Design Concepts | ENVISION FRANKLIN 73 USES Primary Institutional, Local Commercial, Multifamily Residential, Professional Office, Townhouses, and Transitional Office Secondary Big Houses, Duplexes, Live-Work, Assisted Living, Single-Family Residential, and Recreation FORM Building Placement Large developments should be master planned in order to achieve a cohesive design for the entire site. Building setbacks adjacent to streets should be minimal to create an active street environment with wide tree-lined sidewalks that encourages pedestrian activity. Where internal drives are used to organize buildings and pedestrian movement, setbacks to internal drives should be minimized wherever possible. Buildings and their main entrances should be oriented toward the street. Double frontage, reverse frontage, and flag lots are discouraged. Buildings, where feasible, should be sited or designed to create public spaces, such as a formal open space, pedestrian plaza, courtyard, outdoor seating area, etc., that are easily accessible from adjacent streets or sidewalks. New and infill development is encouraged to provide a variety of housing types and should be designed so that duplexes, singlefamily dwellings, and townhouses are located on the periphery in order to transition to existing single-family neighborhoods. Building Height Maximum of two stories inside Mack Hatcher Parkway; Max of three stories outside of Mack Hatcher Parkway. More specific, location-based height recommendations are within the special considerations. Larger scale, master planned developments may be considered for additional height with appropriate transitions. Buildings on the periphery should transition in height to nearby dwellings so as to ensure compatibility. NEIGHBORHOOD MIXED-USE