Envision Franklin

82 ENVISION FRANKLIN | Design Concepts SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Goose Creek Bypass between I-65 and Lewisburg Pike (Berry Farms Town Center) Building heights may be up to six stories (see Appendix G), particularly in the area closest to I-65. Land uses and building heights should decrease in intensity near existing residential neighborhoods. New Highway 96 West This scenic corridor should have deep setbacks of at least 300 feet for new development. Informal landscape design and rural features, such as stone walls, wood plank fencing, and informal tree plantings, should be utilized to sustain the scenic and rural quality of the area. Commercial and office uses should not front along New Highway 96 West. Northwest corner of Hillsboro Road and Del Rio Pike (Independence Square) Infill and redevelopment within this shopping center are encouraged. The proposed buildings, shown in dark grey, should maintain a continuous edge along the block face. The buildings should be oriented toward Hillsboro Road and toward streets and internal driveways designed to include elements of, and resemble, streets. The buildings should have a storefront character at a scale of two to three stories with vertical mixed uses. Multifamily residential buildings are appropriate along the periphery to transition to existing multifamily residential. A system of blocks should be the organizing element. Blocks ensure a walkable and connected street network and will facilitate orderly phasing of redevelopment and infill due to multiple ownership. A north-south internal street/driveway should bisect the site and provide important connectivity to the existing street network. Connections to Alexander Drive and Brink Place will provide additional connectivity. See Figure 4.5. West Main Street Area West Main Street consists of a unique mix of land uses that provides important services to surrounding neighborhoods. The area has institutional uses, such as the Williamson County Administration offices. Future development should respect the surrounding historic neighborhoods. West Main Street will remain an important gateway into Downtown Franklin. This corridor should include an overall mix of uses, but each parcel is not expected to have a mix of uses. Commercial nodes within these corridors are encouraged at intersections. The eclectic mix of land uses, such as neighborhood retail and restaurants, should remain, since they make this area unique. New infill buildings should maintain the established block face. Building height is encouraged to be two stories at the street and may include a recessed 3rd story. Commercial and mixed-use buildings south of Petway Street should have a storefront character along West Main Street. An extension of Forrest Street, across West Main Street, should be provided as redevelopment occurs. Improvements to the intersection of Petway and West Main Streets are desired to resolve the existing layout for traffic movements. Improvements should include enhanced pedestrian crossings. NEIGHBORHOOD MIXED-USE