05 106 Chapter Accessory Uses and Structures USE REGULATIONS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 5.2.7 Accessory Use and Structure Regulations In addition to the standards in Subsection 5.2.2, Accessory Uses, and Subsection 5.2.3, Accessory Structures, the following regulations shall apply to each specific accessory use or structure. Where there is a conflict between the Subsections and the specific accessory use or structure, the standards for the specific accessory use or structure shall apply. A. Accessory Dwellings 1. A maximum of one accessory dwelling is permitted on a lot. 2. On a single-family residential lot, the owner of the lot is a permanent occupant of the premises, as defined under ‘single-family residential’ in Chapter 23, Definitions and Interpretations. 3. The building footprint shall not exceed 50 percent of the building footprint of the principal building. 4. Accessory dwellings shall comply with the principal building type standards for materials, material changes, colors, and roof elements. 5. Accessory dwellings are not required to have exposed foundation cladding. 6. Any dormers shall be set back a minimum of one foot from the exterior wall. 7. Exterior stairs, decks, entry doors, and major windows shall face the principal building, the alley, the street, or the interior of the lot, and away from adjacent properties where possible. 8. Accessory dwellings may be converted from an existing accessory structure, as long as the conversion does not increase any dimensional nonconformity. 9. Parking shall be provided pursuant to Section 10.2, Minimum Parking. 10. Accessory dwellings shall be subject to all applicable building codes. B. Accessory Structures Serving a Dwelling; or Serving a House Building Form in the HPO An accessory structure serving a dwelling, or serving a house building form in the HPO district, shall comply with the following: 1. Accessory structures of 200 square feet or greater shall comply with the principal building type standards for materials, material changes, roof elements, and colors. Accessory structures of less than 200 square feet are subject to Subsection 5.2.4, Minor Accessory Structures. 2. Any parking space within an accessory structure shall be at least ten feet by 20 feet of clear space per vehicle space. 3. Garages or carports in rear yards abutting an alley shall comply with the alley-loading garage standards of the applicable building type. 4. The accessory structure footprint shall not exceed 50 percent of the building footprint of the principal building. C. Agricultural Uses See Paragraph 5.1.4.A, Agricultural Uses. D. Bed and Breakfasts 1. Prior to establishment, the applicant for a bed and breakfast shall: a. Hold a neighborhood meeting pursuant to Subsection 20.8.7, Neighborhood Meeting, prior to obtaining FMPC site plan approval; and b. Obtain a City-issued business license. 2. The operator shall permanently reside on the premises.