Franklin Zoning Ordinance

06 126 Chapter House BUILDING TYPES Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 Garage Garage Scale Shall be subordinate in scale and massing to the building it serves Frontage-Facing Garages Front-Facing Garage Setback Minimum 20 feet behind front facade and front door and 22 feet from sidewalk Front-Facing Garage Plane Width Not more than 40% (measured from the outside edges of the doors) of the total linear width of the front facade Side-Street Facing Garage Setback Minimum of 22 feet from sidewalk and 3 feet behind side facade Garage Door Width Maximum 9 feet Separation Between Garage Doors Minimum 2 feet Interior Dimensions Minimum 10 feet by 20 feet per vehicle parking space Three Required Architectural Features Carriage house garage doors (counts as two) Garage doors behind the rear elevation (counts as two) Garage doors painted to match the main or accent color of the house Two ornamental light fixtures One window per garage parking space Eaves with exposed rafters and/or with a minimum 6-inch projection from the facade plane Roof line changes Dormers Decorative gable vent covers Decorative cornicing. Alley-Loading Garages Garage Setback 5 feet or at least 22 feet from alley right-of-way At least 22 feet from a mews right-of-way, when facing a mews the rear facade shall have a pedestrian door One-Car Garage Door Width Maximum 9 feet Two-Car Garage Door Width 16 to 18 feet Interior Dimensions Minimum 10 feet by 20 feet per vehicle parking space Separation Between Garage Doors Minimum 2 feet Side- or Rear-Loading Garages Facing Interior Lot Lines Garage Setback Minimum 3 feet behind front facade and front door One-Car Garage Door Width Maximum 9 feet Two-Car Garage Door Width 16 to 18 feet Separation Between Garage Doors Minimum 2 feet Interior Dimensions Minimum 10 feet by 20 feet per vehicle parking space Transitional Features Requirements See Chapter 8, Transitional Features