Franklin Zoning Ordinance

133 BUILDING TYPES Multifamily 06 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective July 1, 2024 Material Changes Material Changes Primary materials on a front facade shall continue down side facades at least 20 feet and the entire length of side facade facing a frontage Excluding trim, any material changes shall coincide with form, structural, or massing changes and shall not occur at the outside corner of such change Colors Colors Up to three colors, including material colors, but excluding trim colors Color Changes Shall coincide with form, structural, or massing changes and shall occur at the inside corner of such change Prohibited Colors Overly bright or neon colors Color in HHO See Section 4.4, HHO District, or Section 17.1, Steep Slopes, if applicable Garages Parking/ Garage Location Shall be located to the rear of the buildings and accessed by an alley or drive aisle Garage Setback 5 feet or at least 22 feet from alley right-of-way or drive aisle, where no alley right-ofway exists Transitional Features Requirements See Chapter 8, Transitional Features