139 BUILDING TYPES Farmstead Residential 06 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 Facade Variety Front Facades For development projects that include more than one farmstead residential building, a variety of front facade elevations shall be provided, proof of which shall be submitted with a site plan Massing and Form Buildings shall have different massing and building footprints within view of one another to achieve visually distinct forms Architectural Articulation Base The foundation shall anchor the building to the ground with unique design elements, such as a change in materials or a change in the profile of the façade material if brick is the wall material Detailing Architecture shall be of local vernacular and not overly articulated Detailing shall include a chimney, weather vane, or cupolas No two story architectural features that accentuate verticality are permitted, such as double height box or bay windows, or wall dormers Foundations, Porches, and Stoops Finished Floor Elevation Minimum 18 inches above grade at front facade Porch Design Shall be a one-story front porch design that does not accentuate verticality Porch Depth Minimum 10 feet of clear space, exclusive of railings, pillars, columns, or other porch features Porch Width At least one continuous front porch at least 50 percent of the front facade width Stoop Depth Stoops limited to side or rear elevations and between 3 and 6 feet deep Balconies No upper story balconies or porches are permitted Roof Elements Roof Form Shall be a simple roof form, slope, or arrangement as a historic farmhouse or barn, such as a simple side gable or gambrel roof, sometimes with dormers Pitch Minimum pitch of 3:12 and maximum of 12:12, excluding small roof sections over porches, entryways, or similar features