Franklin Zoning Ordinance

06 142 Chapter Multifamily BUILDING TYPES Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 6.8 Multifamily A building containing five or more dwelling units, with the units often stacked vertically, sharing common vertical walls and/or horizontal floors and ceilings, and often called apartments, lofts, condominiums, stacked flats, or age-restricted independent living. This building type shall comply with all other applicable standards of this Ordinance. Permitted Districts PD CI RC4 RC6 RC12 GO Number of Dwelling Units Dwelling Units Minimum 5 per building Building Orientation and Entry Entrances Entrances shall be prominently located on front facade and highly visible Facades along a street or internal drive shall have individual entrances to all publicly-accessed ground floor uses and all ground floor dwelling units, but the DRT may approve an alternative due to topography or environmental constraints or for continuum of care facilities Also see vertical articulation requirements Facade Position The front facade shall face the public street, private street, or internal drive, in that priority order The front facade shall parallel the frontage Windows Glazing Minimum 20% on facades facing frontages Orientation Vertically proportioned Window Arrangement Upper floor windows and other features shall be aligned with those of ground floor Window Openings Shall be punched and recessed a minimum of 3 inches from the facade Shutters If any, shutters shall be proportioned to cover onehalf the width of the window from each side or the total window from one side