Franklin Zoning Ordinance

06 146 Chapter Commercial/Mixed-Use Building BUILDING TYPES Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 6.9 Commercial/Mixed-Use Building A building that typically accommodates a single use or a vertical or horizontal mix of commercial uses. Multifamily residential may be on upper floors, depending on the district. This building type shall comply with all other applicable standards of this Ordinance. Permitted Districts PD NC CC DD 1ST 5TH RC4 RC6 RC12 GO LI HI Building Orientation and Entry Main Entrance Prominently located on the front facade and highly visible Facade Location The front facade shall face the public street, private street, or internal drive, in that priority order The building shall parallel the frontage Windows Window Orientation and Arrangement Vertically proportioned and vertically aligned Window Openings Shall be punched and recessed a minimum of 3 inches from the facade Glazing on Retail Storefronts 50 to 85 percent of the ground floor, measured between two feet and ten feet from the ground 20 to 65 percent of upper floors Front Facades Other Than Retail Storefronts 20 to 65 percent on each floor Glazing for Buildings Over 6 Stories May exceed the maximum glazing above and may have tinted, reflective and other glass treatments and may be the primary material on a facade Prohibited Glazing Materials Reflective, tinted, or other glass treatments that inhibit views into the building. This is not intended to preclude glass treatments as required by the Energy Code or LEED certification or the limited use of spandrel glass used to cover structural elements Facade Standards Facade Composition Vertically orient materials, design elements, and architectural details to emphasize proportion of height to width Facade Width Maximum 600 feet