Franklin Zoning Ordinance

06 152 Chapter Large-Scale Office Building BUILDING TYPES Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 6.10 Large-Scale Office Building A large-scale, multi-story building solely for office use, with a building footprint of over 20,000 square feet. Permitted Districts PD RC4 RC6 RC12 GO Building Orientation and Entry Main Entrance Prominently located on the front facade and highly visible, with pedestrian scale articulation and weather protection Facade Location The front facade shall face the public street, private street, or internal drive, in that priority order Windows Window Orientation Vertically proportioned Window Openings Shall be punched and recessed a minimum of 3 inches from the facade Glazing 20 to 65 percent on each floor, but buildings over 6 stories may exceed the maximum glazing and have glass as the primary material Facade Standards Facade Composition Vertically orient materials, design elements, and architectural details to emphasize proportion of height to width Facade Width Maximum 600 feet Vertical Articulation Facade Articulation Facades shall be differentiated by dividing into 20- to 200foot segments, each differing from adjacent segments with respect to all of the following: A. A change in shape, sill and header height, detail, size, spacing, rhythm, and muntin pattern of windows B. A change of building height C. A change in base and cap details D. A change of wall material or wall color E. A change in trim courses and other horizontal elements F. Providing or changing pilasters, columns, or other vertical elements