163 FRONTAGE TYPES General Provisions 07 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 7.1 General Provisions 7.1.1 Applicability A. This Chapter shall apply to all development, but the following shall address legally established buildings in existence on December 8, 2020: 1. When a building expansion is 50 percent or less than the building’s square footage as of December 8, 2020 and the frontage does not comply with this Chapter, then any site alterations shall not bring the existing frontage more out of compliance with this Chapter. Building expansions shall be counted cumulatively from December 8, 2020; 2. When a building expansion exceeds 50 percent of the building’s existing square footage, then the frontage shall comply with this Chapter; and 3. When a building is torn down and a new building is constructed, then the frontage shall comply with this Chapter. 7.1.2 Frontage Description A. The frontage is the area between the building facade and the front lot line along a street or internal drive, as applicable. It includes the full length of the lot as if the building facade line were extended to the side lot lines. B. If there is no building, the frontage is the area between the front yard setback line and the front lot line along a street or internal drive, as applicable. C. Corner lots and double frontage lots have two frontages. D. Frontage types specify the treatment of the frontage. The frontage type must be one of those permitted in the applicable zoning district per Section 7.2, Overview of Frontage Types. Figure 7.1.2.A Frontage Example