169 FRONTAGE TYPES Landscape Frontage 07 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 Street Description The landscape frontage is intended for nonresidential, and mixed-use areas where buildings have a landscaped area between the sidewalk and the front facade. Parking is located behind or to the side of the building and screened from the street or internal drive by landscaping, unless it is parallel parking Permitted Building Types Building Types Farmstead Residential Commercial/Mixed-use Large-scale Office Buildings Large-scale Retail Buildings Civic Buildings Vehicular Access and Parking Parking Placement Parking shall be located behind or to the side of the principal building, but no closer to the street than the front facade, unless it is parallel parking along the street or internal drive Principal buildings shall anchor intersections and any side parking shall be located away from the intersection. On lots with frontages on three streets or more, the DRT may approve an alternate configuration Parking structures are subject to Section 10.5, Parking Structures. Permitted Districts PD CI NC CC RC4 RC6 RC12 GO 7.5 Landscape Frontage Street