08 178 Chapter Transitional Features In the CFO, CAO1, CAO2, or CAO3 TRANSITIONAL FEATURES Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 masonry column at any end visible from a street or internal drive. B. Berms 1. Berms shall be sited to maximum the screening of the new nonresidential development from the residential lots. 2. Berms shall be used only along a rear property line of a residential lot and not located between a lot and a street or internal drive; 3. Berms shall be a minimum of four feet in height, unless otherwise approved by the DRT; 4. Berms shall be stabilized with a ground cover or other suitable vegetation; 5. Shrubs shall be planted on a berm to achieve a combined height of six feet within four years of planting; and 6. Berms shall in no case damage the roots or trunks of existing healthy vegetation designated to be preserved.