Franklin Zoning Ordinance

02 18 Chapter NONCONFORMITIES Nonconforming Lots Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 2.4 Nonconforming Lots 2.4.1 Nonconforming Platted Lots A lot in a subdivision that was legally created by final plat and recorded prior to the effective date of this Ordinance that does not meet the dimensional standards of the applicable zoning district: A. May be developed with the uses permitted in the applicable zoning district; and B. Shall retain the approved dimensional standards and minimum required open space. 2.4.2 Nonconforming Lots of Record A lot that was legally created by deed or other legal mechanism before it was in the City or prior to the City and County initial adoption of the Subdivision Regulations that does not meet the dimensional standards of the applicable zoning district: A. May be developed with the uses permitted in the applicable zoning district; B. Shall comply with the dimensional standards of the applicable zoning district as closely as possible; and C. Must conform to all other applicable provisions of this Ordinance. 2.4.3 Governmental Acquisition Governmental acquisition of a portion of a lot for a public purpose that results in a reduction in dimensional standards below that required by this Ordinance shall not render the lot nonconforming.