09 182 Chapter Alleys STREETS AND CIRCULATION Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 B. Internal drives shall be designed as an extension of the street network and shall comply with: 1. Section 9.2.3, Streetscape; and 2. Section 9.6, Vehicular Circulation Figure 9.3.2.A Cross section of an internal drive showing travel lanes, parallel parking, sidewalks, and street trees with planting strip. Travel Lanes Parking Lanes Planting Strip Sidewalk 40’ 9.3.3 Parallel Parking Parallel parking shall be provided along the internal drive where a building facade faces it, except where on-street parking is prohibited per the Transportation and Street Technical Standards. 9.3.4 Public Access Easement Internal drives and associated sidewalks shall be placed in a public access easement and recorded as part of a final plat. 9.4 Alleys 9.4.1 Design A. Alleys shall be designed and constructed pursuant to the Transportation and Street Technical Standards. B. Residential lots with a lot width of 45 feet or less shall be served by an alley. C. New alleys serving residential lots shall be public. 9.4.2 Garbage Can Pads A. A concrete pad for garbage can collection shall be placed at the rear of each residential lot that abuts an alley. B. The concrete pad shall be two feet by six feet in size. 9.4.3 Prohibited in Alleys A. No fence, wall, structure, tree, or shrub shall be erected or planted within the alley right-of-way, easements, or within two feet of the edge of the alley pavement/curb, whichever is greater. B. No vehicle parking shall be permitted in the alley right-of-way. 9.4.4 Alley Screening Alley and lot layout shall be designed to screen the view into an alley from an intersecting street by one or more of the following: A. Providing evergreen planting material along the intersecting street to create an opaque screen; B. Requiring a build-to line for the garage at five feet from the alley right-of-way; C. Placing fencing with a height of six feet along the edge of the rear lot line and along the lot line abutting the intersecting street provided sight distance at the alley intersection with the street is maintained per Section 13.1, Fences and Walls ; or D. Creating a curve in the alley by the third lot from the intersecting street.