Franklin Zoning Ordinance

183 STREETS AND CIRCULATION Mews 09 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 9.5 Mews 9.5.1 Applicability A mews shall provide vehicular access to the rear of a residential lot: A. Where the Transportation and Street Technical Standards prohibit a driveway cut from the street on which it fronts; or B. Where the residential lot fronts onto an open space, as permitted by Section 7.1.3, Lot Frontage. 9.5.2 Design All provisions in this Ordinance regarding an alley shall also apply to a mews, in addition to the following: A. Each end of a mews shall connect to a street and shall not terminate into an alley or another mews. The mews layout shall not preclude the intent of improved emergency access; B. The maximum length of a mews shall be 800 feet, as measured along the centerline to the edge of pavement of connecting streets; and C. New mews serving residential lots shall be public. 9.6 Vehicular Circulation 9.6.1 General New streets, internal drives, and cross access drive aisles shall be designed to provide vehicular interconnectivity that facilitates safe and efficient traffic movements, improves access, and connects adjacent properties. 9.6.2 Exceptions The DRT may determine that a vehicular connection per this Section shall not be required: A. Due to the classification of a street; B. When adjacent to floodplain, wetlands, riparian buffers, or tree save areas; or C. When vehicular safety factors or other unique site conditions prevent a connection to a street, internal drive, or drive aisle. 9.6.3 Connection to Surrounding Street Network A. The arrangement of new streets and internal drives shall provide for the alignment and continuation of existing or proposed streets and internal drives into adjacent properties. B. Street connections, street stubs, or internal drive connections shall be provided in every direction and shall connect to all adjacent streets and internal drives, including those existing, planned, or otherwise deemed necessary by the DRT to extend the street network. C. New public street rights-of-way and private street and internal drive public access easements shall be extended to adjacent property lines. Pavement shall be extended to connect to street stubs and internal drive stubs on adjacent properties, or stubbed to property lines where a full connection is not possible, as determined by the DRT. Property shall not be subdivided to avoid this requirement. D. At each location where a street terminates where a future connection is planned or accommodated, a sign shall be installed with the words “STREET TO BE EXTENDED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FRANKLIN” to inform property owners. E. The site plan and final plat for all residential lots shall identify street stubs and include a notation that all street stubs are intended for connection with future streets on adjoining undeveloped property.