Franklin Zoning Ordinance

09 184 Chapter Vehicular Circulation STREETS AND CIRCULATION Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 9.6.4 Cross Access Between Abutting Sites A. Vehicular circulation shall be designed to provide cross access between surface parking areas on abutting lots or building sites (where the sites are not separated by a street, internal drive, or alley), so that the driver need not enter the street system to access the abutting lots or building sites. B. Cross access shall be provided to all existing or planned parking areas and drive aisles on abutting lots or building sites, including those with development potential for parking areas and drive aisles. C. Cross access shall not be required for parking areas on single-family residential or duplex lots, or where the DRT waives the requirement due to topographical constraints, natural features, or other vehicular safety factors. D. Cross access shall consist of two-way drive aisles arranged to provide one or more continuous paths between abutting lots or building sites and external streets or drives. E. Pavement for cross access shall be extended to existing pavement in access easements or stubbed to property lines where a full connection is not possible, as determined by the DRT. Property shall not be subdivided to avoid this requirement. F. Drive aisles providing cross access shall be placed in a cross access easement and recorded as part of a final plat. Cross access easements shall provide perpetual, non-exclusive access for the purposes of vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress across the cross access easement. Property owner(s) shall maintain and keep the cross access easement within their development in a commercially reasonable condition and state of repair. G. The applicant shall provide written notice of proposed cross access locations to all owners of abutting lots or building sites prior to initial submittal of the appliable application. This notice shall provide a visual and narrative explanation of the proposed cross access connection points. H. The applicant is responsible for constructing the cross access to the abutting lots or building sites prior to issuance of the first temporary certificate of use and occupancy, and if there is no temporary certificate of use and occupancy, then prior to issuance of the first final certificate of use and occupancy. 9.6.5 Internal Street Network A. When new streets or internal drives are provided, development shall provide for a network of streets or internal drives to maximize the connectivity throughout the site, wherever possible. B. Block length perimeter shall not exceed a maximum of 2,400 feet, except the DRT may approve a block length perimeter up to 3,200 feet in cases: 1. Where environmental or topographic constraints exist; 2. Where the street classification prevents a connection; or 3. Where a proposal includes an internal parking structure. C. New blocks shall be consistent with the Transportation and Street Technical Standards for distance between intersections. D. Cul-de-sacs are permitted only where existing development, floodplains, wetlands, naturally occurring slopes exceeding 14 percent, riparian buffers, tree save areas, or other unique site conditions prevent a street connection.