Franklin Zoning Ordinance

09 186 Chapter Pedestrian Circulation STREETS AND CIRCULATION Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 9.7.4 Widths Sidewalk widths shall comply with the table below: Sidewalk Location Minimum Width Along Streets or Internal Drives In accordance with Transportation and Street Technical Standards, but in no case less than 5 feet Where Abutting Parking Spaces 7 feet Where Abutting a Commercial/MixedUse or Civic Building 8 feet In the DD, 1ST, or 5TH Districts 12 feet, with at least 8 feet continuously unobstructed by street tree pits, light poles, or similar features. A reduced width may be permitted due to existing obstructions 9.7.5 Materials Sidewalk materials shall comply with the Transportation and Street Technical Standards. 9.7.6 Raised Surface Levels Sidewalks shall be raised above adjacent driving surface and may be raised at vehicular crossings as a traffic- calming measure. 9.8 Pedestrian Circulation A continuous internal pedestrian circulation system shall be provided throughout the development 9.8.1 Sidewalk Connections Sidewalk connections shall be provided: A. Between each building main entrance and the nearest street or internal drive. These connections shall be placed in a straight and direct route; B. Between each dwelling unit entrance in a multiplex, townhouse, farmstead residential, or multifamily building and the nearest street or internal drive; C. Between differing uses, such as neighborhood commercial centers or open spaces with residential uses; D. That connect to existing, planned, or potential future sidewalks or multi-use paths at adjacent property boundaries; E. That connect to existing or planned private trail systems in adjacent developments, where possible; F. Between open spaces within a development; and G. Between building main entrances and associated parking areas. 9.8.2 Mid-Block Connection In cases where a block length exceeds 600 feet, a sidewalk in a public access easement or open space lot shall be provided mid-block internally to connect streets on opposite sides of the block. 9.8.3 Close or Cul-De-Sac Connection At the end of a close or cul-de-sac, a sidewalk and public access easement shall be provided that extends the pedestrian circulation system, to the maximum extent practicable, to the closest adjacent street, sidewalk, or multi-use path.