Franklin Zoning Ordinance

10 194 Chapter Maximum Parking PARKING AND TRANSIT Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 Use Minimum Vehicle Parking Spaces Reduced Minimum Vehicle Parking Spaces in CFO, CAO1, CAO2, and CAO3 Data Centers Variable1 No reduction Self-Storage Facilities 0.01 space per storage unit + 4 spaces No reduction Vehicle Repair Facilities 3.33 spaces per 1,000 square feet2 + 1 space per service bay No reduction Notes: 1. Uses that reference this note have widely varying parking and loading demand characteristics, making it difficult to establish a uniform standard. See Subsection 10.2.1 in Calculation of Minimum Parking. 2. Square feet refers to the gross floor area of the building. 3. Seats refers to the occupant load for the area used as seating. 4. Maximum occupant load is determined by the International Building Code. 5. The total number of required spaces is cumulative based on the variety of different functions present in a single use. 6. Minimum number of stacking spaces unless otherwise demonstrated using peak stacking lengths for comparable businesses and locations. 10.3 Maximum Parking Except for single-family residential, parking that exceeds 120 percent of the minimum in Subsection 10.2.3, Minimum Parking, shall be constructed and maintained: A. With pervious surfacing; or B. Within a parking structure.