197 PARKING AND TRANSIT Arrangement of Parking, Stacking, and Loading Areas 10 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 to the rear of a building that fronts the street or a detached, standalone structure behind the building. They also may be completely wrapped by the principal building from all sides. B. At-or above grade parking structures for multifamily shall be placed behind the multifamily building and may be either attached to the rear of a building that fronts the street or a detached, standalone structure behind the building. They also may be completely wrapped by a principal building from all sides. C. Parking structures shall not occupy the ground floor of a building, except as permitted when in the FFO or when screened as described in Paragraphs 10.5.2.A or 10.5.2.B above. D. At- or above-grade parking structures shall be visually similar in character to the principal building by: 1. Matching the materials or being composed of brick; and 2. Vertically orienting the openings to appear as windows of the same size and rhythm as the principal building. E. Parking structures are subject to the maximum principal building height as permitted per the applicable zoning district. F. Vehicular entrances of parking structures shall be located so that potential conflicts with pedestrian and vehicular circulation are minimized. The locations of parking structure entrances are subject to DRT approval. G. Multiple pedestrian entrances shall be included for each parking structure. 10.5.3 Below-Grade Parking Structures A. Below-grade parking structure setbacks shall be at least ten feet from the property line; however, the setback may be reduced match the building footprint when the building footprint is less than ten feet from the property line. B. Vehicular entrances of parking structures shall be located so that potential conflicts with pedestrian and vehicular circulation are minimized. The locations of parking structure entrances are subject to DRT approval. 10.6 Arrangement of Parking, Stacking, and Loading Areas 10.6.1 Parking Arrangement A. The arrangement of parking shall be in accordance with the applicable frontage type per Chapter 7, Frontage Types. B. The arrangement of parking shall be designed to accommodate vehicular circulation, maneuvering, parking, and associated parking movements without use of the public right-of-way, except for parallel parking C. The arrangement of parking shall prevent vehicle circulation from backing out directly onto a street, except on single family residential lots. D. Parking areas shall be configured so that a vehicle may be parked and un-parked without moving another vehicle. This shall not apply to single-family residential lots. E. Parking areas shall not exceed a slope of five percent. Drive aisles that connect parking areas shall not exceed ten percent. F. Surface parking areas shall provide landscaping and landscape islands pursuant to Section 12.6, Parking Area Landscape.