Franklin Zoning Ordinance

205 PARKING AND TRANSIT Transit Infrastructure 10 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 10.14 Transit Infrastructure 10.14.1 Requirement Thresholds A. Transit infrastructure shall be required when the following conditions are met: 1. The site has frontage along an existing or planned public transit route, in accordance with the Franklin Transit Authority adopted plan; 2. The site will generate a minimum of 2,500 daily vehicular trips as calculated per the current edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ Trip Generation Handbook. B. Transit infrastructure shall not be required when the following conditions are present: 1. An existing transit stop is located within 1,320 feet (five-minute walk), as measured along a sidewalk and located on the same side of the street. 2. The DRT or Franklin Transit Authority determines the location is not viable due to: a. Physical constraints, such as steep slopes above 14 percent or sight distance conflicts; or b. Other unsafe conditions for the transit system, vehicles, or pedestrians that would be caused by the proposed stop location. 10.14.2 Requirements on Existing Public Transit Routes If transit infrastructure is required per Subsection 10.14.1, Requirement Thresholds, and the development is on an existing transit route, the applicant shall dedicate the required right-of-way, as applicable, or provide a public access easement and construct the following transit stop facilities, unless the FMPC or DRT, as applicable, approves an equivalent alternate design: A. A concrete landing pad located between the sidewalk and the back of curb; B. A concrete transit pad measuring 15 feet by 20 feet; C. Sidewalks that connect the transit stop to the nearest existing sidewalk or street intersection; D. Benches and other seating; E. A bike rack; and F. A transit shelter in accordance with the Franklin Transit Authority adopted plan. 10.14.3 Requirements on Future Planned Transit Routes A. If transit infrastructure is required per Subsection 10.14.1, Requirement Thresholds, and the development is on a future planned route, the applicant shall dedicate the required right-of-way, as applicable, or provide a public access easement, but shall not be required to construct transit stop facilities. B. If the DRT determines that a transit stop cannot be accommodated in the public right-of-way, then a public access easement shall be dedicated to the City with a note on the final plat that states the area is designated for a transit stop. C. Adequate space shall be dedicated to accommodate the transit stop, including efficient bus operations, bus stop spacing, curb clearance, placement in relation to the roadway, abutting property owner/tenant parking restrictions and regulations at and near the stop, vehicle turning radii, lane width and surfaces, intersection design topography, and other physical constraints pursuant to the Transportation and Street Technical Standards.