Franklin Zoning Ordinance

213 OPEN SPACE Pocket Park 11 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 11.6 Pocket Park Description Small-scale, active or passive parks within walking distance of residential uses that contain designed and regularly maintained open areas that typically include arranged plantings, playgrounds, gardens, dog parks, gazebos or similar structures, fountains, sculptures, and other forms of public art Standards Permitted Districts All districts Dimensions No minimum size Arrangement Shall provide a sidewalk connection to a sidewalk along any adjacent street Shall be a non-linear shape that creates a gathering place or destination within a development Standards (Continued) Arrangement (Continued) Where a pocket park abuts a natural area, the pocket park open space set aside shall include the smallest area that encompasses the perimeter of the required features along the abutting side Internal sidewalks and pedestrian-scale lighting shall be provided The placement of buildings shall comply with Section 503 of the Fire Code Landscape Minimum one large canopy tree and two understory trees per each 2,500 square feet, and landscaping provided in a formal arrangement Features Four of the following features are required: A. Seating elements B. Canopies or gazebos to shield pedestrians C. Furnishings, such as planters, waste receptacles, bicycle racks, drinking fountains, or transit shelters D. Fountains, sculptures, or art E. Playgrounds Stormwater Stormwater management features may occupy up to 40 percent of the pocket park when treated as a site amenity and designed pursuant to Section 17.5, Stormwater Management Features