227 LANDSCAPE Buffers 12 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 12.6.5 Fences and Walls The width of a perimeter planting strip may be reduced to three feet when a fence or wall is provided that meets one of the following: A. An opaque brick or stone wall of between three and six feet tall shall be located along the perimeter of the parking area adjacent to the right-of-way; or B. A decorative metal fence of between three and six feet tall shall be located within the planting strip, supplemented with evergreen shrubs planted between the fence and the property line. The shrubs shall be 30-inches high and planted three feet on-center. 12.7 Buffers 12.7.1 General Standards A. Plant materials shall be arranged in a manner that creates an opaque screen. B. Existing vegetation listed on the Tennessee Exotic Plant Council list shall be removed from the buffer. 12.7.2 Buffers in Transitional Areas See Section 8.1.2, Transitional Areas Abutting Residential Lots. 12.7.3 Buffers Along I-65 and Mack Hatcher A. Where new lots are oriented so that the rear facades of buildings face I-65 or Mack Hatcher Parkway outside of the SCO, the following buffers shall be required: Lot Type Minimum Buffer Width Residential Lots 100 feet All Other Lots 50 feet B. The buffer for residential lots shall contain the following minimum plantings: Type of Landscape Material Number per 100 liner feet Minimum Evergreen Plantings Canopy Trees 16 50% Understory Trees 6 50% Shrubs 80 75%