12 228 Chapter Buffers LANDSCAPE Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 C. The buffer for all other lots shall contain the following minimum plantings: Type of Landscape Material Number per 100 Linear feet Minimum Evergreen Plantings Canopy Trees 10 50% Understory Trees 4 50% Shrubs 60 75% 12.7.4 Location of Buffers Buffers shall be located along the periphery of the development site and shall extend to the abutting property line or right-of-way line. 12.7.5 Development Within Buffers A. Buffers shall not contain any: 1. Development; 2. Parking areas; 3. Parking structures; 4. Streets or alleys that run parallel to the property boundary; 5. Impervious surfaces; 6. Dumpsters; or 7. Site features that do not function to meet the standards of this Section or that require removal of existing vegetation, unless otherwise permitted in this Ordinance. B. The Department of Planning and Sustainability may approve the following uses and structures within the buffer if the screening intent of this Section is met: 1. Sidewalks, trails, and multi-use paths; 2. Fences and walls; 3. Landscape plantings; 4. Stormwater retention or detention facilities, green infrastructure pursuant to the Stormwater Management Ordinance and best management practices, provided they do not interfere with the performance or maintenance of the buffer area and the required screening is still met; and 5. Driveways or internal drives, provided they cross the buffer at a 90-degree angle and do not encroach into the buffer in a parallel fashion for more than 35 feet. C. In the event that utilities are installed within a buffer in a manner that is parallel to the buffer, additional width shall be added to the buffer in an amount equivalent to the amount occupied by the utility lines and any associated easements. Any path cleared by utility installation shall be replaced with plant materials consistent with what was removed. 12.7.6 Credit for Existing Vegetation A. Existing vegetation within the buffer may be credited toward the buffer requirement if it meets the minimum size requirement. Existing vegetation listed on the Tennessee Exotic plant council list shall not be credited. B. The DRT may reduce or waive the buffer requirements if an existing buffer has been recorded on an adjacent property that achieves the intent of this Section.