Franklin Zoning Ordinance

12 230 Chapter Street Trees LANDSCAPE Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 12.8.6 Spacing A. Canopy trees shall be planted between 35 to 45 feet on-center. Columnar trees shall be planted between 20 to 25 feet oncenter. B. Understory trees shall be planted between 20 to 25 feet on-center. C. Clustering of street trees is permitted when utility conflicts or required sight distances prevent the minimum spacing requirements. 12.8.7 Sight Distance Street tree placement along streets shall allow for adequate site distance for traffic control signs. These signs include mid-block warnings, speed limits signs, and stop signs. The following standards shall apply: Street With Designated Speed Limit Placement of First Street Tree in Front of Sign 1 2 20 or 25 MPH Minimum of 45 feet before the sign 30 MPH Minimum of 60 feet before the sign 40 MPH or Higher Minimum of 75 feet before the sign Notes: 1. Street trees may be placed closer than the minimum distances above if the vertical clearance between the grade and the lowest branches is at least ten feet, but in no case shall a street tree be closer than 25 feet to the sign. 2. Where signs are placed at the front end of curb extensions or bulb-outs, the above street tree placements shall not apply. 12.8.8 Exception to Tree Installation The Department of Planning and Sustainability may waive developer installation of street trees in the public right-of-way in special circumstances where timing of the installation would result in tree removal shortly thereafter due to street widenings, streetscape projects, or other capital improvement projects. 12.8.9 Credit for Existing Vegetation Existing healthy, well-formed canopy trees or understory trees located along the street shall be credited toward the street tree requirements, provided the vegetation is: A. Surveyed, inventoried, and protected before and during development of the site in accordance with Subsection 17.2.6, Tree Protection During Construction; and B. Located in suitable locations to meet the standards of this Section.