235 FENCES, WALLS, AND SCREENING Fences and Walls 13 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 13.1 Fences and Walls 13.1.1 Location A. Fences and walls may encroach into required yards and setbacks, subject to this Section. B. Fences and walls may be installed within drainage easements where permitted by the easement holder, but shall not block or divert natural drainage flow onto or off of any other property. Fence design examples that allow adequate drainage flow include shadow boxes, flap gates, aluminum fencing, or gaps at the bottom of the fencing. For fencing requirements in the floodplain, see Section 4.3, Floodway Fringe Overlay District. C. Fences and walls within the SCO are also subject to Section 4.9, SCO—Scenic Corridor Overlay District. D. Fences and walls shall not: 1. Be constructed within a public rightof-way or in areas to be dedicated for public right-of-way; 2. Conflict with sight distance visibility of intersections or points of ingress/ egress; 3. Block access within an access easement; 4. Encroach into a utility easement, unless the easement holder has provided written consent; 5. Block access to fire hydrants, mechanical equipment, or utility equipment; and 6. Be located within six feet of a fire hydrant. 13.1.2 Height A. Exemptions Public buildings or uses, public parks, sports courts, and sports fields are exempt from this Subsection. B. Measurements 1. Fence and wall height shall be measured from the lowest adjacent grade to the top of the fence or wall, exclusive of posts, columns, and gates. 2. The use of a berm to increase a fence or wall height is prohibited, unless used in accordance with Section 8.1.2 Transition Areas Abutting Residential Lots. C. Permitting Fences and walls may need a building permit, depending on the height, subject to the requirements of the Department of Building and Neighborhood Services. D. Maximum Height Fence and wall height shall comply with the following table: Location Maximum Height Front Yard 3 feet, but may be 4.5 feet for board horse fencing AG district not regulated Front Yard Facing a Side Street, at Least 20 Feet Behind the Front Facade (for Corner Lots Only) 7 feet for residential uses and the OR district 8 feet for nonresidential and mixed-uses Where a driveway access is located on the side street, the fence or wall shall either be set back a min. 15 feet from the side street lot line or not exceed a height of 3 feet Side or Rear Yard 7 feet for residential uses and the OR district 8 feet for nonresidential and mixed-uses Open Space Lot Frontage Treatment 3 feet, but may be 4.5 feet for board horse fencing