237 FENCES, WALLS, AND SCREENING Retaining Walls 13 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 13.2 Retaining Walls 13.2.1 Exemptions A. Capital improvement projects for public streets are exempt from this Section. B. Retaining walls used for stormwater management features are exempt from Subsection 13.2.4, Retaining Walls for Residential Uses, and Subsection 13.2.5, Retaining Walls for Multifamily, Nonresidential, and Mixed Uses, but shall comply with the other Subsections within this Section. 13.2.2 Location A. Retaining walls shall be set back from a lot line a minimum of five feet or the distance equal to the height of the wall, whichever is greater. B. Retaining walls shall not: 1. Be constructed within a public rightof-way or in areas to be dedicated for public right-of-way; 2. Conflict with sight distance visibility of intersections or points of ingress/ egress; 3. Block or divert a natural drainage flow onto or off of any other property; 4. Encroach into a utility easement, unless the easement holder has provided written consent; 5. Block access to mechanical or utility equipment; and 6. Be located within six feet of a fire hydrant. 13.2.3 General A. Retaining wall height shall be measured from lowest finished grade or permanent pool elevation to the top of the wall. B. Retaining walls may need a building permit, depending on the height. 13.2.4 Retaining Walls for Residential Uses Retaining walls for residential uses, other than multifamily, shall comply with the following: Residential Uses Front Yard Retaining Wall Height Maximum 2 feet Side and Rear Yard Retaining Wall Height Maximum 6 feet Number of Retaining Walls Maximum 3 per lot Distance Between Retaining Walls Minimum horizontal separation of three linear feet between the opposing wall faces to allow for the planting of vegetation 13.2.5 Retaining Walls for Multifamily, Nonresidential, and Mixed Uses Retaining walls for multifamily, nonresidential, and mixed uses shall comply with the following: Multifamily, Nonresidential, and Mixed Uses Retaining Wall Height (Single Wall) 10 feet max Retaining Wall Height (Pair of Walls) 8 feet max per wall, with an overall max grade change of 16 feet 6-foot min horizontal separation between the walls to allow for plantings A. Each retaining wall shall have a single row of evergreen shrubs, planted every five feet on center, at the base of the wall to soften its appearance. Shrubs shall be a minimum of 30 inches in height at the time of planting. Evergreen trees or groundcover