Franklin Zoning Ordinance

239 FENCES, WALLS, AND SCREENING Screening 13 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 13.3 Screening 13.3.1 Conflicting Provisions Where there is a conflict between this Section and Section 13.1, Fences and Walls, this Section shall control. 13.3.2 Rooftop Mechanical Equipment A. Rooftop mechanical equipment shall not be visible from any adjacent street or internal drive and shall be fully screened by either a parapet or a dark-toned screening element. A color other than dark-toned may be approved by the DRT if it is deemed a contextual color. B. As an alternative to Paragraph 13.3.2.A above, a sightline analysis verifying that equipment cannot be seen from any street and/or internal drive may be provided. Figure 13.3.2.A Rooftop mechanical equipment visibility Sight Line 13.3.3 Ground- or Wall-Mounted Mechanical and Utility Equipment A. Mechanical equipment, such as air conditioning or similar HVAC equipment, transformers, backflow preventers, telephone risers or equipment cabinets, generators, or similar devices shall be sited away from the frontage, where possible, and fully screened from public view. B. Screening shall be as tall as the highest point of the equipment being screened. C. Screening shall consist of an opaque fence or wall compatible with the principal building in terms of material and color. As an alternative, landscaping may be used if a solid evergreen screen at least as tall as the equipment being screened is provided at the time of planting. D. Building design or other structural features, such as knee walls, alcoves, or wing walls may be used to fully or partially enclose site items required to be screened. In cases where only partial enclosure is achieved, the enclosure shall include an opaque gate or door designed to be compatible with the building colors and materials. E. Wall-mounted utility equipment, including water meters, gas meters, electrical meters, panels, or similar devices shall be sited away from any frontage and be required to be painted to match adjacent building wall surfaces. 13.3.4 Refuse Areas A. Refuse areas, such as dumpsters, trash compaction, garbage or recycling collection, and other similar service areas shall be located away from frontages and to the side or rear of the building, and at least five feet from any lot line. B. Walls shall be provided to fully screen refuse areas from public view, and be no less than six feet in height. The walls shall be opaque and constructed of brick or stone materials that complement the main colors and materials of the associated building they serve. C. Gates shall be opaque and designed to complement the wall materials. To allow dumpster gates to remain closed as often as possible, either a pedestrian door, wall