13 240 Chapter Screening FENCES, WALLS, AND SCREENING Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 offset for pedestrian access, or self-closing gates shall be provided. D. Building design or other structural features, such as knee walls, alcoves, or wing walls may also be used to fully or partially enclose site items required to be screened. In cases where only partial enclosure is achieved, the enclosure shall include an opaque gate or door designed to be compatible with the building colors and materials. 13.3.5 Service Areas A. Service areas, such as maintenance areas, equipment areas, loading docks, loading berths, or similar spaces shall be screened from public view and adjacent properties with an opaque fence or wall at least six feet in height. As an alternative, landscaping may be used if a four-foot tall solid evergreen screen is provided at the time of planting. B. Opaque gates shall be provided in cases where the items required to be screened are visible from streets or adjacent property due to drive aisles or parking areas. C. Building design or other structural features, such as knee walls, alcoves, or wing walls may also be used to fully or partially enclose site items required to be screened. In cases where only partial enclosure is achieved, the enclosure shall include an opaque gate or door designed to be compatible with the building colors and materials. D. Loading docks, berths, or similar spaces in the LI or HI district that do not front collector or arterial streets are exempt from this Subsection. 13.3.6 Outdoor Storage Areas A. Where permitted by Chapter 5, Use Regulations, outdoor storage areas that contain materials, stock, tanks, equipment, or vehicles are not permitted in front yards, required setbacks, fire lanes, drive aisles, parking areas, or areas intended for pedestrian circulation. B. Outdoor storage shall be screened from public view and adjacent properties with an opaque fence or wall with a height of at least six feet. Landscaping may be used if a six-foot tall solid evergreen screen is provided at the time of planting. C. Opaque gates shall be provided in cases where the items required to be screened are visible from streets or adjacent property due to drive aisles or parking areas. D. Building design or other structural features, such as knee walls, alcoves, or wing walls may also be used to fully or partially enclose site items required to be screened. In cases where only partial enclosure is achieved, the enclosure shall include an opaque gate or door designed to be compatible with the building colors and materials. E. Where outdoor storage tanks are permitted, screening shall comply with the Fire Code and shall comply with the intent of the screening requirements of this Subsection. 13.3.7 Alternative Screening Methods Alternative screening methods or materials that are not listed may be used if the DRT or Department of Building and Neighborhood Services, as applicable, determines that they achieve the intent of the screening methods described in this Section.