241 FENCES, WALLS, AND SCREENING Maintenance Requirements 13 Chapter Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 13.4 Maintenance Requirements Fences, walls, and retaining walls shall be maintained in good repair and in a safe condition, such as replacement of missing, decayed, or broken structural and decorative elements. The property owner shall maintain the fence, wall, or retaining wall at all times, so as not to constitute a hazard to public safety or a visual or aesthetic nuisance to surrounding property or public right-of-way. If a fence, wall, or retaining wall is not maintained in reasonable order and condition, then the Department of Building and Neighborhood Services may serve written notice of the deficiencies upon the property owner. If the deficiencies cited by the Department of Building and Neighborhood Services have not been corrected within 30 days after written notice, then the Department shall correct the deficiencies. The cost of the correction shall be assessed jointly and severally against the properties within the development that have a right of enjoyment of the fence, wall, or retaining wall. The entire cost of correcting the deficiency shall be a lien upon each of the properties from the date that the lien is filed in the Register’s Office of Williamson County.