14 244 Chapter Specific Lighting Standards LIGHTING Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 projection beyond immediate objects intended to be illuminated; 3. Not distribute light onto surrounding property beyond an angle of 35 degrees from a vertical plane; and 4. Use low-wattage architectural lighting for upwardly-directed lighting intended to illuminate structures or landscape elements. 5. Be positioned, aimed, or configured so the light source is not visible from a residential lot. B. Ornamental style light fixtures that rely on prismatic glass, acrylic, or polycarbonate outer globes as their only lamp shielding method are prohibited. 14.2.3 Consistency and Hue A. No exterior lighting shall have any blinking, flashing or fluttering lights or other illuminating device that has a changing light intensity, brightness, or color. B. Light fixtures shall not be permitted to mix different types of light color or hues within a site. 14.3 Specific Lighting Standards 14.3.1 Parking Area Light Fixtures for Residential or Mixed-Uses Light fixtures intended to light parking areas serving residential uses or and mixed-uses shall: A. Not exceed a pedestrian-scale height of 18 feet, measured from finished grade to highest part of fixture or pole assembly; B. Be ornamental fixtures. Shoebox, off-road head, and cobra-head style fixtures are prohibited; and C. Reduce glare and light spillage, including use of internal lamp shielding, such as metal louvers or glass reflectors. Figure 14.3.1.A This graphic demonstrates examples of ornamental light fixtures. Head Types Pole Types Colonial Head Fiberglass Pole Coach Head Aluminum Pole Bell Head Octagonal Concrete Pole Town & Country Head Fluted Concrete Pole 14.3.2 Parking Area Light Fixtures for Nonresidential Uses Light fixtures intended to light parking areas serving nonresidential uses: A. Shall not exceed 30 feet, measured from finished grade to highest part of fixture or pole assembly. Within 50 feet of a residential lot, light fixtures shall not exceed a height of 20 feet. If, due to topographical or other issues, the illumination is intrusive within 50 feet of a residential lot, additional shielding of the light fixtures shall be required; and B. May be located within landscaped areas or landscape islands, but in no case shall poles be located in a manner that conflicts with canopy trees or other required landscape.