15 248 Chapter General Provisions SIGNS Franklin Zoning Ordinance Effective January 1, 2025 15.1.6 Internal Illumination A. Internal illumination of signs shall be limited to light emanating only through the letters, numbers, logos, and accent lines. The remainder of the sign area shall not be illuminated and shall be opaque to prohibit light penetration. The lighting source shall not flash, move, change color, be overly bright, or create a nuisance. B. In the CAO1, internally illuminated signs attached to buildings shall only be allowed on the facade facing Columbia Avenue. C. In the CAO2 and DD districts, internally illuminated signs are prohibited. D. The sign or light source shall not produce glare or illumination that could distract or interfere with the vision of drivers, cyclists, pedestrians, or adjacent property owners. Illumination shall be shielded in such a manner that no direct glare can be seen from any angle. E. Exposed neon and LED that is visible are prohibited and shall not be incorporated into the design of a principal building or accessory structure. Window signs may have neon as per Section 15.16, Window Sign. F. Any electrical lights or fixtures shall be installed in accordance with Article 600 of the National Electrical Code. 15.1.7 Maintenance A. Signs and the premises surrounding them shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary, and inoffensive condition, free and clear of obnoxious substances, rubbish, and weeds. B. Signs, together with their supports, braces, guys, and anchors, shall be maintained in good and safe condition, including the periodic application of paint or other weatherproofing materials to prevent rust or other decay. Signs shall not be allowed to deteriorate to a broken, torn, peeling, flaking, or otherwise decayed condition. C. Temporary signs and flags shall not be allowed to deteriorate to a tattered, torn, or faded condition. Any banner shall be hung flat and secured at all corners and sides. 15.1.8 Removal of Landscape Materials Trees, shrubs, or other vegetation shall not be trimmed, damaged, destroyed, or removed to increase or enhance the visibility of signs in the following circumstances: A. Within public right-of-way, unless the work is done pursuant to the express written authorization of the City or State, whichever is appropriate; B. On property that is not under the ownership or control of the person conducting or responsible for the work, unless the work is done pursuant to the express authorization of the person owning the property on which the trees or shrubs are located; or C. In any area where trees or shrubs are required to remain pursuant to this Ordinance. 15.1.9 Prohibited Signs The following signs are prohibited: A. Bench signs; B. Freestanding canopy signs, except as permitted in Paragraph 5.1.4.I, Gas Stations; C. Home occupation signs; D. Commercial signs for residentiallyoccupied dwellings, except temporary signs as permitted by Section 15.18, Temporary Sign, and temporary construction site signs as permitted by Section 15.17, Temporary Construction Site Sign; E. Government imitation signs; F. Inflatable or similar balloon-type devices